This is the ground information for Rosedale Park, which is at Jack Hinton Drive, Albany.
Rosedale diamond map
Please help us to keep our diamonds in a good state. Simply move a meter or two either side of the marked lines. This will help preserve the state of the ground, reducing wear and tear in the batter’s boxes and around the bases.
Please do not warm up along the foul line marking. Move into the field.
All weekend game cancellations are broadcast on NEWSTALK ZB from 7am for juniors & 11am for seniors.
Training at Rosedale:
Diamonds at Rosedale must be booked for midweek and weekend training. This is a requirement by Auckland Council. If you would like to arrange to book a Diamond at Rosedale for training purposes please contact the Club Secretary. Do not contact the North Harbour Softball Association office directly, your adherence to this request is greatly appreciated.