Softball scoring can be fun and exciting. There are scoring days you can go along to attend to learn how to do this. We will try and put these on our Facebook as they come up.
If you are just starting off and wanting to learn the beginning of how to score. Have a look at the Scorers Beginner’s Manual HERE
There is now also Online Modules, which is detailed below.
It’s simple to become a scorer with our online Softball Scoring Fundamentals course for $19.99 (including GST).
You can learn at your own pace and dip into the training whenever you need a refresher.
The course is designed for all abilities and can be accessed on a range of devices. Check out the intro video for more details
Check out some of the reviews from people who have already completed the module
‘This online course was an easy way to learn. I was able to score all my son’s softball games and give valuable feedback to his coach.’
‘I didn’t know much about softball but once I learned to score it, everything just clicked. Now I can talk to my son about his playing and really understand his progress.‘
Send an email to with your name and the softball club you belong to Signup today!
Thank to Softball NZ
Online module and the email for Carolyn McQueen
Lynnette Leathart Northern Regional Deputy NZ Scorers